That is how I feel in about every aspect of my life. My blog shows it the most however. Maybe someday I 'll catch up on the past 7 or 8 months, but until then I'll just start with this week. We are currently trying to refinance our house.
we were hoping they'd be able to do an electronic appraisal, but that fell through when the difference between high and low was somewhere in the range of $150,00. So, we made an appointment to have the appraiser come on Thursday evening. As many of you are aware, I am not a neat person. Housekeeping and organizing is NOT one of my talents. So on Monday we made a list and were planning on prioritizing it after the kids were in bed and then spending every spare moment the next few days tidying and cleaning and organizing. Then the phone rang. It was the appraiser wanting to come the next day mid morning. He lives in the Salt Lake area (by the way - is it really that hard to get and appraiser who is from the area? There is a HUGE difference between Brigham and Salt Lake. When we first got the house appraised when we were moving here, the guy did comparisons of our house with houses all over Brigham. I know its a small town but that's ridiculous. One of the houses was a few hundred feet from the train tracks!) and would be up in this area and wanted to make it all in one stop. PANIC! We rushed around and cleaned and tidied and organized as best we could in the short time we had. We went to bed about 1 am. and said that's as good as it's going to get. I spent the entire morning yelling at the little boys to not play with toys and keep the house clean. I was suddenly reminded why my house is never clean.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
I believe I was tagged...
It's been a really long time since I've posted, and I don't really have much time right now, so you'll have to wait for news. I believe someone tagged me with the 6th photo from my 6th folder so here it is:
Saturday, March 28, 2009
A visitor
Andrew went to let the dog out this morning and suddenly comes running back into our room asking if he can take a picture of the creature that is outside. Joseph and I hop out of bed and this is what we found:
We have a found evidence of deer in our backyard before, but never a deer. They have to jump fences to get in. I'm not sure what makes our yard so attractive. We are not even that close to the mountains. It has been a couple of hours since we first saw the deer. He did get up and eat some our ivy/grass, but then laid right back down. I wonder how long he'll stay?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Space Derby!
Our pack meeting was a few days ago and this year we tried something new - a space derby. Everyone had a lot of fun. I think the dads were way more into this than they were the pinewood derby last year. There were some very creative rockets. I wish I had gotten a picture with all the scout and their creations, but alas I did not. It was a big hit and will probably be repeated again next year. Trying to fit renting the track for the pinewood derby is just not in our cub scout budget! Th rockets just ran on fishing lines, and were powered by rubber bands. It was a lot of fun for all!
Our New Webelos
Well with becoming ten, a new rank in scouts begins. We will have to try and figure this webelos thing out. Our ward actually does not have a webelos den as yet. They had been going to another ward's den, but that was only supposed to be until the end of March. Hopefully they will call someone soon, because until then another mom and I will be running webelos as well as the wolfs and bears!
Double Digits
Monday, March 9, 2009
Not a Fan
I am not a fan of Mondays. This arises mostly because I work Sat nights. It's easy to get behind with all of the regular daily chores (such as dishes and keeping rooms picked up) on Saturdays anyway, but then I head off to work at 5 pm. I get back home Sunday mornings about 8-8:30. With church being at 1, I'm able to catch a quick nap at about 10 and then it's time to get ready for church. When we get home from church it's a scramble to get the kids changed and settled and dinner on the table. Then we eat, and then I crash - hard. Mondays I'm exhausted and usually have a headache. On top of that there is usually tons of catch up to do from the weekend, and I don't feel like doing any of it. This morning was even worse because we woke up to several inches of snow. I put BJ in charge of making sure everyone got out the door with a coat and in the car while I went to clear off the car. I could not find the snow brush in the car. So I sent BJ back in to get the broom. Needless to say it was not a fun morning. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
A New Look
BJ has been caught squinting to see at farther distances for a while now. We finally made an appointment with the eye doctor. His vision is not bad. One eye is worse that the other. Bad enough that he would need glasses to drive. (He has the same correction in that eye that I have in my glasses). BJ never complained about having difficulty seeing the board at school, even when asked. He always sat really close to the TV though and if he was sitting across the room from it would squint. He really likes his glasses and wears them all the time. Hopefully he will only ever need minor correction!
A quick note. The blood work for Will was done to verify results done a the doc's office, and to verify that it was indeed allergic in nature. (Angioedema can be hereditary, with no allergic beginnings). It was done to make sure his blood count was normal due to the bruising. All his blood work was normal. They did not do any allergy tests. He has been fine since.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
All Hivey
Will developed hives the other day. He woke up with them on Tuesday morning, that night he looked like this. Weds night he looked even worse and started swelling in different places. His left hand was about 3 times its normal size and Benadryl wasn't doing anything. I started to get worried at that point and after consulting doc mom, I called our doctors office. We were able to get right in at the night clinic. We were first seen by a NP student, then the NP over him and then they had they other NP there come in. After quite a bit of discussion they decided it was something and said all they could do was treat symptoms and gave us a scrip for a steroid. They also said to watch him carefully in case he started having trouble breathing or became lethargic and to come back and see our regular doc the next morning. The next morning he didn't look any better. We went to see our doc and he said he's got angioedema. (Basically it's hives but instead of just being in the upper layer of the skin it's in the deeper layers as well.) He sent us to the hospital to get a bunch of blood drawn, told me to give him Benadryl as well as the steroid and come back tomorrow if he wasn't better. Thankfully he was better even by that evening. His face was clearing up and the swelling was going down. The next morning all the angry red bumps were gone and you could just see the bruising on his legs where the hives used to be. Long story short he had a bad reaction to some allergen that we have no idea what it could have been!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
From the mouth of babes
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