These are some birthday cakes : Andrews and obviously mine and Alex's. Next time with Andrews I would just use green sugar instead of the jelly beans. The cake inside had Kool-Aid in the batter so it was a bright pink and had little choc chips in it too. I wish I had a picture of it sliced!

These are cakes I made for my friends. The two above match their individual personalities. The one below I made for a friend who had recently lost a loved one and needed some cheering up.

I've decided I need to make cakes more often. I was quite out of practice!
We have been busy with scouts and school and now activity days and mutual. The older two boys have also been in a Robotics club after school. They had their Physics day this past weekend. BJ did really well placing in the top three of his school. He did sumo-bots (where the robots "fight" each other. Andrew did a maze and though he didn't place his robot did make it all the way through the maze, which is an accomplishment in and of itself!
Alex is thrilled to be 8 and in activity days. She is looking forward to her baptism the first Saturday in June.
Parker is more than ready to be in first grade and go to school all day. I confess I can't wait for that either. He is progressing in reading quite well even though he tells me he can "only read at school."
William is finally potty training! Yay! We have had a kid in diapers for the last 12 years! I am excited for this to end.
I can't believe how fast my kids are growing up! Its especially hard realizing I have a 12 year old!