Thursday, January 29, 2009

A New Look

BJ has been caught squinting to see at farther distances for a while now. We finally made an appointment with the eye doctor. His vision is not bad. One eye is worse that the other. Bad enough that he would need glasses to drive. (He has the same correction in that eye that I have in my glasses). BJ never complained about having difficulty seeing the board at school, even when asked. He always sat really close to the TV though and if he was sitting across the room from it would squint. He really likes his glasses and wears them all the time. Hopefully he will only ever need minor correction!


Grammyzanne said...

Glad BJ likes his glasses.

Barbara said...

I like his glasses too!! What a cute boy.

Tamara Robertson Turner said...

Love the new glasses. I've been wearing contacts for the past several years and just recently bought a pair of glasses. In dry Arizona my eyes don't like to wear contacts everyday. I'm learning how to keep glasses clean and how to keep them from sliding off my nose, etc.

Austin's Mommy said...

You look so distinguished BJ! It makes you seem so much more grown up.

Joanne said...

Distinguished and scholarly! Isn't it amazing to see things more clearly now? I remember my first pair of glasses. I couldn't believe you could see individual leaves on trees and blades of grass! Have fun seeing things more clearly!

Sandy Brunson said...

Looking sharp! I like my glasses too. It's wonderful to see well.

Jocelyn Robertson said...

Hey Joanna, I don't have your email address. When you have a chance, could you send it to me at jocelyn dot bethany at gmail dot com? Thanks!

BJ's glasses look great!