Tuesday, May 27, 2008

getting started

Well here goes. After seeing several of my extended families blogs and thoroughly enjoying the ability to keep up with things (and realizing how much I've missed), I thought it would be a good idea to start one for myself. Will have to add pictures at a later time since I am not set up to do so at this point. It may be awhile just to warn you.

So an update of the goings on in our lives:

We are still working on the never ending task of renovating our 1915 house. We haven't gone far, but we keep plugging away. It is hard to find time in our busy schedules.

Joseph has been working hard on trying to get the garden ready to plant. We purchased a tiller and were in the process of going over it a second time when it broke. The store we bought it from was closed for memorial day weekend, so hopefully today we can get things worked out.

Joanna tries to stay afloat keeping the house to a low level of chaos, taking care of kids, and planning for cub scouts.

BJ is looking forward to the end of school. He is enjoying reading the Harry Potter series and is currently on book 4.

Andrew is anxious for the warm weather(we haven't had much so far this year). He is also reading Harry Potter and is currently on book 2.

Alex is pretty happy doing anything. She loves to play outside as weather permits and has gotten very good on her bike. She is looking forward to starting kindergarten in the fall.

Parker is precocious as always. He is stubborn to a fault, yet too cute to be mad at for long. He can melt anyone's heart whenever he chooses. He is an amazing talker and thanks to PBS already knows most of his letters.

William is a cute little guy. He loves to play and get into things he's not supposed to. He is very persistent. He is still hanging out at about he 10th percentile on his weight, and spitting up too often. Maybe one day we'll be able to get his reflux under better control. We've thought of taking him to a chiropractor to see if that would help.

Well I think that's about it for now. Will try to get pix up ASAP, as I know that is what is really interesting anyway. May have to get my brothers up here to help out!


Grammyzanne said...

Good start. I enjoyed.

jared and mary 2 said...

Welcome to the blogosphere.