Tuesday, January 21, 2014

run of the mill stuff

So i have a couple of weeks to catch up on.  I am not sure what has taken up most of our time, I guess just the normal day in and day out stuff.  We had our first activity days of this year and it was a "ketchup" day.  We went through all the girls Faith in God books and marked off all the stuff we did this past year.  I still have one girl to get to- there wasn't enough time to get to everyone in our hour - though we never seem to be able to keep our meeting to one hour.  I am not even sure where that time frame came from. May have to do some research to see what the official time frame is supposed to be.  I had some Article of Faith activities for the girls to work on while I pulled the individuals out.  My partner kept an eye on the rest of the group and helped them pass off some of their Aritcles of Faith.

Joseph has had a sore back/shoulder/neck for a few weeks and finally went to the doctor.  It turns out to be an inflamed muscle.  He was given muscle relaxants and naproxen.  He spent a few days at home last week trying to feel better.  The naproxen didn't really do anything for him so he switched to Ibuprofen.  After several days of the relaxant and round the clock Ibu he is feeling better.  He has to be constantly reminded to take it easy and not strain the muscle.  It gets harder as he feels better - he thinks he should be able to do stuff even though he still needs to rest it.

The kids are plugging away at school.  It is the season of projects it would seem.  Alex just finished a book report and now has to memorize a poem, Parker has a book report coming up; Andrew a science fair project; and BJ just finished a paper.  I am just trying to keep everything straight.The part that bugs me most is unclear expectations from the teachers.  Due dates half the time are missing and half the time seem to be fluid.  I wish there was just a paper telling when the project is due and a clear outline of what needs to be accomplished.

Winter is getting to me and I am just trying to make it through.  I find myself sleeping a lot.  I really need to try and be better about using my light therapy.  It does help but spending 30 min in front of it everyday sometimes seems impossible.

Well I think that is enough for now - have a good week!

Monday, January 6, 2014

getting back to "normal"

This past week has been about getting back to normal - of sorts.  We got all the Christmas decorations taken down.  Normally I feel a sort of emptiness when it comes down, this year I felt relief.  It just feels like there s space again.  I  will have to make sure a de-clutter a ton before next year so we don't feel so overwhelmed.  The kids started back at school on Thurs last week.  Most didn't seem to mind, Andrew seemed to have a hard time, but once it came down to it was fine.  I am not sure I am ready to be thrown back into the thick of school with all the needless homework, the projects, etc.

We got BJ an new (used) clarinet over the break.  We found one in the classifieds for rather inexpensive.  His original we didn't get the greatest since we didn't know if he would even stick with it.  We have had to have it repaired a few times and just before Christmas break he broke one of the keys.  We need to re-cork at one of the junctions on the "new" clarinet, but I think it sounds better than his old one.  Hopefully he will be able to play it easier too.

My breathing has gotten a lot easier.  I don't seem to need my inhaler as much, but still lose my breath easily when active.  Work is about to start in earnest so hopefully it will clear up soon.  We have just a few things left on Alex's room to do, unfortunately they are all the tiny details that take time and finagling.  I believe we decided to do the laundry room next.  It is in desperate need of insulation, and flooring since the washer leaked.  We were able to get our dryer fixed, so now that is off our replacement list.  Yay for a handy husband!

Hope you have a good week!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Years Resolution

One of my new years resolutions is to write to my Grandma Cowles more often.  I figured more might like to keep up to date with us so feel free to read too, but this is mostly for Grandma.:)

We have had a good week this past week.  The kids went back to school today.  Joseph goes back to work on Mon.  It will be nice to have a few days with just him, though he is still sleeping so far this morning.  We had a nice new years eve.  BJ went to a youth dance and the rest of us stayed home, at too much and played games with Grammy and Grandpa.  Andrew and Alex were the only ones to make it until midnight.  It was the fist time I haven't worked it in years.  It was fun to be home.

On Sunday I was having a hard time breathing, went home during Sunday school and took my inhaler.  It got worse the next day so I went to the doctor.  For some unknown reason I seem to be having an asthma exacerbation.  He gave me a new inhaler (mine was expired by a year and a half) and another one to take for a week.  I have been breathing much better though I still can't be to active.  I finished up physical therapy on Tues. for my sprained ankle.  I sprained it beginning of Sept.  I had about 6 weeks of  PT.  It is much better now, but definitely not back to normal.  It probably never will be.  The kids all were sick sometime during this winter break.  Luckily it only lasted a few days each and now seems to be over.

Joseph has been working some on Alex's room remodel.  He laments that finish work takes so long.  I still have all the curtains to make for her room -  2 window and a closet.  Once her room is done we will start on one of the other bedrooms upstairs or the vanity room.  Maybe I'll make Joseph finish the front room though.  Who knows.

Hope you have a good week!