Friday, May 30, 2008

The Last Few Days

The last few days have been interesting. Weds I had a pressure headache worse than I've had since the whole craziness started a little over a year ago. Only this time the narcotics didn't seem to touch it. Thankfully it finally went away late that night. I did some research on the Internet and found out more about my condition by searching pseudotumor cerebri (now called intercranial hypertension or IH), than I've ever found out before. it was interesting to read articles and finally get why I'm so tired all the time and why some days I feel normal and others I just drag and can't do anything all day. I'll add a link or two for anyone that would like more information.

The boys are at their last day of school today. It is only a half day. They were more than excited this morning. They haven't gotten ready that fast for school since the first day of school. I spent Wed evening and most of Thurs binding quilts for BJ's class. I didn't really know what I was doing. They looked fairly nice when they were done, and as long as they don't fall apart I'd say I did a pretty good job.

Joseph got a call from the appliance shop and they are just going to replace out tiller and we can pick it up today. Hopefully we'll be able to start some plants tomorrow. I can't believe how much work there is to do. We knew there would be a lot of work when we bought this house, but I'm not sure we understood quite how much. Of course losing a year to blood clots/pregnancy etc didn't ease things at all. We did get to go to Lowe's without the kids on Monday (thanks Mom!) and were able to plan out most of the bathroom remodel. Although Joseph says the tub we want might not fit. Maybe it's back to the drawing board on that.

We are still dragging our feet over buying a smaller sedan. We just don't want to spend our money that way. We don't want/can't take on one more payment, so it has to be inexpensive, but we don't want a car that we can't trust or have to dump money into.

One of Joseph's friends is trying to get us to buy his motor home. It is rather old, but it good repair/shape and he's only asking 3,000. It would probably be really nice especially on the long road trips to visit family. Just not sure that it's appropriate use of funds.

Well I've probably babbled on long enough today, I do need to get to some never ending chores like dishes and laundry.

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