Monday, March 9, 2009

Not a Fan

I am not a fan of Mondays. This arises mostly because I work Sat nights. It's easy to get behind with all of the regular daily chores (such as dishes and keeping rooms picked up) on Saturdays anyway, but then I head off to work at 5 pm. I get back home Sunday mornings about 8-8:30. With church being at 1, I'm able to catch a quick nap at about 10 and then it's time to get ready for church. When we get home from church it's a scramble to get the kids changed and settled and dinner on the table. Then we eat, and then I crash - hard. Mondays I'm exhausted and usually have a headache. On top of that there is usually tons of catch up to do from the weekend, and I don't feel like doing any of it. This morning was even worse because we woke up to several inches of snow. I put BJ in charge of making sure everyone got out the door with a coat and in the car while I went to clear off the car. I could not find the snow brush in the car. So I sent BJ back in to get the broom. Needless to say it was not a fun morning. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


Lynda/Mom said...

Spring snow is hard, even when it just feels like it should be spring before the actual calendar date. And it's really hard after a warm-up. Sorry you got dumped on this storm--we woke up to about 6 inches Saturday a.m. in Summit, but didn't have to go anywhere--and, it melted fast. Hope your day gets better! Aunt Lynda

Robinson Family said...

Mondays are bad enough getting back into the weekly routine, I can't imagine having to work and being so tired. I hope your week gets better and that your family appreciates all you do as a mom.

MaryAnn said...

That does not sound like fun. I agree - Mondays are the pits and I don't work on Saturday like you do. I can image that would make it much worse!

Grammyzanne said...

Spring will come. Sounds like this was a particularly rough Monday.

Joanne said...

Are Tuesdays better? It's not too far behind Monday - but that 24 hours of Monday can drag when you are exhausted!