Thursday, March 26, 2009

Space Derby!

Our pack meeting was a few days ago and this year we tried something new - a space derby. Everyone had a lot of fun. I think the dads were way more into this than they were the pinewood derby last year. There were some very creative rockets. I wish I had gotten a picture with all the scout and their creations, but alas I did not. It was a big hit and will probably be repeated again next year. Trying to fit renting the track for the pinewood derby is just not in our cub scout budget! Th rockets just ran on fishing lines, and were powered by rubber bands. It was a lot of fun for all!


Barbara said...

What good looking boys!! Sounds like it was a lot of fun.

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

Jeremiah just came home with the kit to make his rocket last night. Any pointers? Hey, are you all going to be able to come to the Easter Egg hunt on April 11? I posted about it on my blog and would love to see you and your kids. Let me or MaryAnn know. Thanks.

Lynda/Mom said...

What a great idea! It sounds like fun, and you moms are great to do this stuff for the boys.

Grammyzanne said...

I've never done a space derby -sounds like it was a lot of fun!